Project on Enhancement of a sustainable regional energy market in the Eastern and Southern Africa and Indian Ocean region (ESREM)
RAERESA (in conjunction with the Regional Energy Regulatory Association of Southern Africa, RERA) is implementing the (EDF11) financed ESREM project.
The beneficiaries of the Project include all the Regional Economic Communities (RECs) in Eastern Africa, Southern Africa and Indian Ocean region including their energy regulatory associations and power pools.
Under this support spanning a period of 48 Months, commencing on 31st May 2017, a total of Euro 7 million has been allocated to assist the EA-SA-IO region achieve the intended results as highlighted in Box 1 below.
RAEREA’s International Activities
RAERESA is a member of the International Confederation of Energy Regulators (ICER).
Other International engagements include:
RAERESA has signed a MoU with the Council of European Energy Regulators (CEER) to collaborate on capacity building and information exchange.
RAERESA has signed a MoU with the Collaborative Labelling and Appliances Standards Programme (CLASP) to accelerate the development and implementation of regional energy efficiency programs
RAERESA has signed a MoU with Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI) to develop and implement regional energy efficiency programs in industry, transport and buildings.
The following results have been achieved:
1.A Regionally synthesized Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Strategy and Action Plan for the, Eastern Africa, Southern Africa and Indian Ocean Region (REEEESAP – EA-SA-IO) (document attached)
2.A framework and roadmap for the transformation of RERA into a regional regulatory authority for the Southern African Development Community (SADC) (document attached)
3.Capacity building programmes for officials from Power Pools and Member States Regulators were implemented (document attached)
4.Sensitization workshops for member states without autonomous energy regulators were held (documents attached)
5.Peer Review programmes were conducted for MS regulators (documents attached)
6.Women in energy mentorship programmes for MS were implemented