RAERESA’s activities are performed in the areas of: 1) Capacity Building, Information Sharing, Energy Statistics and Database ; 2) Harmonisation of Legal and Regulatory Frameworks ; 3) Renewable Energy; and 4) Environment and Energy Efficiency. These activities have been organised and shown in the conclusions of the AGMs held in the period 2010-2020. RAERESA’s activities promote collaboration between its members to share experiences and to identify good energy regulatory practices in those activity areas, including the adoption of guidelines. The priorities are to implement the Work Programme as per the activity areas of the Portfolio Committees and to expand activities and services responding to new challenges faced by the members.
RAERESA as a specialised institution of COMESA is implementing the 11th EDF (EDF11) financed project called the Enhancement of a sustainable regional energy market in the Eastern and Southern Africa and Indian Ocean region.
The overall objective of the Project is: “to enhance a sustainable regional energy market in the EA-SA-IO region, which is conducive to investment and promoting sustainable development”.
The specific objectives are: “1. To achieve an enhanced harmonised, efficient and gender-sensitive regulatory environment in the EA-SA-IO region; and 2. Capacitate regional regulatory associations and power pools to more effectively oversee and stimulate increased regional power trade”.