Legal framework of RAERESA
RAERESA was established by its Constitution pursuant to Articles 106 to 109 of the Treaty establishing COMESA. These provide that the COMESA Member States will undertake to cooperate in the joint development and utilisation of energy resources, creation of more favourable investment climate to encourage public and private investment, encouragement of joint utilisation of training and research facilities, exchange of information on energy systems and investment opportunities, and development of research programmes on renewable energy systems. In addition, the COMESA Member States are expected to develop a common strategy in the more efficient use of energy and to accede to international agreements that are designed to improve the management of energy resources, develop new renewable energy resources and coordinate the exchange of information on energy resources.
The structure of RAERESA
The structure of RAERESA, as defined by the RAERESA Constitution, consists of:
- the Plenary which is the highest decision making body;
- the Executive Committee;
- the Portfolio Committees ; and
- the Secretariat (which is to be headed by the Executive Secretary/CEO responsible for day-to-day affairs).

RAERESA Executive Committee
The Executive Committee of RAERESA comprises the following the members:
Mr Daniel Kiptoo Bargoria, Director General, Energy and Petroleum Regulatory Authority (Kenya) | Chairperson of the Plenary |
Mr. Yohane Mukabe, Director General, Energy Regulation Board (Zambia) | Chairperson of the Portfolio Committee on Capacity Building, Information Exchange, Energy Statistics & Database |
Dr. Mohamed Mousa Omran, Executive Chairman, Egypt Electric Utility and Consumer Protection Regulatory Agency (Egypt) | Chairperson of the Portfolio Committee on Harmonization of Legal and Regulatory Frameworks |
Mr. Bahru Oljira Debel, Acting Director General, Petroleum and Energy Regulatory Authority (Ethiopia) | Chairperson of Portfolio Committee on Renewable Energy |
Mr. Tony Parker Imaduwa, Director General, Seychelles Energy Commission (Seychelles) | Chairperson of Portfolio Committee on Environment and Energy Efficiency |
Eng. Eltigani Mohamed Fadl Adam, Secretary General, Electricity Regulatory Authority (Sudan) – | Member of the Executive Committee without portfolio |

Our Mission
To promote energy regulation and protect consumer welfare within the COMESA region thereby facilitating regional integration of the energy markets in the COMESA region.
Our Vision
To be a centre of excellence for energy regulation and consumer protection in the COMESA Region.
Our Objectives
RAERESA is the “Regional Association of Energy Regulators for Eastern and Southern Africa”. It is a COMESA specialised institution mandated to promote integration and investment in the energy sector in COMESA member states by creating a harmonised regulatory environment. Through RAERESA, the national regulators cooperate and exchange best practice.
The objectives of RAERESA include:
- Capacity building and information sharing;
- Facilitation of ESI policy, legislation and regulations;
- Regional energy regulatory cooperation; and
- Inter-regional cooperation.

Inter-Regional Cooperation
Who We Are
RAERESA is a COMESA specialised institution mandated to promote integration and investment in the energy sector in COMESA member states by creating a harmonised regulatory environment.